14 May 2012

Awesome Teammates

ALHAMDULILAH 5th semester almost reach its end. banyak kuliah dah habis. tinggal nak discuss past years questions sajo. Hari ni semangat study kurang sikit. Supposed we have our Calculus 2 3rd Test today. Unfortunately, one of us was absent. So Dr Teh postponed our test to this Thursday. Besides my Plant Physiology lecture was last-minutely-cancelled (suka hatilah grammar gua). only I know on upon arrival to lecture hall. phew! so less orgasm towards study today. and and an I skipped my Differential Equation lecture this afternoon. hihu! Mr Stephen would probably kill me if he found out this. and here here here I would like to hail for my awesome teammates in BBT 213 Plant Physiology laboratory group. we've been through rough works with all our attention towards this laboratory works every fortnightly. huh. it's all DONE! lemme introduce to you guys my dream team members.

le group leader : Oin Omiroh. 

Kak I-Mi. i dunno how to pronounce her name actually. I just use, "kak mi, tolong itu. kak mi tolong ini" hehe

my favourite adik, Adik Dila. The cutest creature in our group. She's so niceeee.

the most handsome creature in our group (after me), Wang. yelar dia sorang je lelaki. kalau takde dia semua orang termasuk akakk ni jugak berat bontot nak start buat practical. 

the person in yellow is Biehah @ Cik Bie. the tiniest among all of us. dilarang mengambil gambar sebelah dia. nescaya anda akan berasa low self esteem yang teramat.

and finally my favourite person in group would be Tsuey May! May squared. who I always play with in this lab. Plus, only both of us are education students in le group -,-

on the last lab session, we've been done this. which is so much fun fun fun than the pasts 4 lab sessions.

marshed ripe papaya

chopping unripe papaya.

power tak akak buat? ngehngehngeh

marshed them again.

 and they did the titration while boiling it. ini team titrate merangkap team secretary.

rewang sambil gossiping. biasa..

rewang team.

congratulation guys for accomplishing this lab sessions. it was such a wonderful work we have. we did the best for this course. thanks for your cooperation throughout this semester. see you on our graduation day. isk!isk!isk! walaupun mereka junior, mereka graduate sama-sama dengan kami.

 MayMay - Tsuey May - Dila - Kak I-mi -Biehah - Wang

02 May 2012

Some of my Flowers

Dalam usaha menyatukan family di USM, saya sebagai pengarah projek Jom Pegi Tengok Zapin Woi telah mengajak semua anak-anak mama pergi tengok zapin. Mari cek attendance.

L-R: Adnin, Zul, Syawal, Tikah S, May Ohsem, Illiy, Izzah, Tikah O, Zatie.
tiada dalam gambar : Acik, Efa, Pali, Idzan, Bhai, Iqa, Yani, G-Are. wow! dekat sama banyak. kena barred ni.

then, suddenly,..
saya hilang! sebab saya jumpa dia ni.

captured by: Bhai si paparazi.

It's Nadey, man.... Nurul Nadhirah Mat Nor. My classmate since 2006-2007. Dengan tak disengaja saya jumpa Nadey waktu dia tengah terpinga-pinga mencari kawan-kawan yang dah tinggalkan dia. then, mulalah perjalanan bawak Nadey jalan-jalan Penang keesokan harinya sebelum Nadey balik Nilai.

2 orang ahli kongsi gelap yang bersetongkol dalam penyeludupan Nadey dari bengkel tarian. err, sebenarnye 2 orang ni kena paksa ikut. Kesian. But they the best! where we went that day? here!

kesian Bhai kene block. haha saper suruh liat nak masuk dalam gambar. kan dah serupa je macam takde dalam gambar. yes, we went to Rumah P.Ramlee uolsss. mula-mula nak pergi sini, lepas tu sesat tak jumpa Jalan P.Ramlee, lepas tu batalkan niat and nak pergi Padang Kota terus, lepas tu tak jumpa jalan ke Padang Kota tapi ajaibnya dengan tiba-tiba jumpa Jalan P.Ramlee. haaa! teros! mana sempat je. Kesian..

dah 2 kali datang sini pun lupa jalan lagi. itupun dah tengok map tuh. -,-


bawah kolong rumah P.Ramlee. haa, bagi bahasa kampung satu kali!

ahli lembaga koperasi sewa kereta last minute. save budget!

lepas tu, saya bawak Nadey makan Nasi Kandar Khaleel dekat Gurney depan laut uolss. motif sungguh nak dekat Gurney Drive jugak walaupun sebelah USM ada Khaleel. then, jam dah pukul 3 petang terpaksa hantar Nadey balik sebab rombongan USIM nak balik Nilai dah. Terkilan tak dapat bawak Nadey pegi Queensbay. Queensbay wajib tahu?

untuk menghilangkan rasa terkilan, kami, ahli lembaga koperasi yang pergi ke Queensbay. ya, tiada motif.

hai, ini Bhai. misi saya nak kalahkan berat badan bhai. maksudnya, nak lebih kurus dari bhai. Tertuduh dipaksa membuat muka gemuk, dan saya buat target wajah ketika kurus.. GEMOK BHAI = KURUS MAY. -,- oh heartbreaking sungguh.

hey, losers, I'm 41kg. Jealous much? 

p/s: Please come again, Nadey. Great thanks Bhai and Sha.