what i want to say for the last 2 entries before is, I have clash with my lecture timetable between Plant Physiology and Differential Equation. Both are two courses which I need to take this semester and they are totally from different schools. From Biology and Mathematics School. Obviously I'm from Education schools need to attend the lectures both as i'm majoring in Biology and Minoring in Mathematics. It's clear enough why I need to go lectures from another schools? I hope it is. (Schools refer to faculty for other universities, but here in USM we called them schools).
This clash-things often occurs for Education students who need to deal with 3 schools usually in order to fulfills all the courses for graduation. So, we have to arrange well our timetable for the whole 8 semesters. But unfortunately it happens to me this semester. Thing gets worst when Dr H, who teach me Plant Physiology this semester won't tolerate with Education students. At first, we suggest we change the time for 1 hour lecture a week. Usually we discuss with the whole lecture's student which time can we fix the free slot. But she refused to do that. Ok to be clear this is what actually happened :
We: Dr, we have problem with the timetable which clash with...
Dr H : U education students kan? STUDENT EDUCATION BOLEH BLAH!! No, I can't entertain student education. kalau student Biology tu lain lah... bla bla bla..
We : OK, ok.. If that so, boleh tak kami minta pelepasan untuk pergi ke kuliah satu lagi yang clash tu. kami tak pergi kuliah 1 jam seminggu.
Dr. H : boleh, tapi saya akan bar awak dari ambil final exam la macam tu. awak tak datang kelas saya. kami ni dah la nak bagi awak ilmu tapi awak demand pulak. awak tu dah la menumpang je, nak meminta lebih-lebih. kami ni tuan rumah, awak datang dan meminta-minta. how is that? i memang tak layan students education. sebab student education yang tiap-tiap tahun buat trouble..... bla bla bla
We: ok ok ok we're good. ok cool. (lalu blah)
how unfair is that? apa kami ni bukan student USM jugak? apa kami tak bayar yuran? sistem USM memang macam ni kenapa layan students ikut school pulak kan. You should thank a teacher for what you are now. Dia tak boleh cakap macam tu. All the deans have been agreed with the system. Till when we the students have to face this? She's just a lecturer. She has no rights to scold and blame us. Dia susahkan ramai orang, kelak Allah susahkan dia baru dia tau. Memang payah kalau kita di bawah nak lawan dengan orang di atas. tapi dia kena ingat, dia tidak selalu sentiasa di atas. ok cukup dengan itu walaupun tak habis nak sedih lagi ni.
so, kami cuba minta timbalan dekan school kami untuk tidak mengambil kursus itu dan gantikan dengan kursus biology pilihan lain. tapi tidak dibenarkan sebab kursus Plant Physiology adalah kursus teras perlu. huh, terpaksa kami ponteng kuliah Different Equation dan masuk kuliah DR. H. the sad part is, lecturer who teaches Different Equations are very good and understandable (suka hati nak understandable). once you didn't attend the lectures, you'll lost. I need to work hard on this course and find the good references. anyway, we didn't read Mathematics. We need a tutor to guide us. I know my limit. I'm not that smart. *sigh*. Now, i lose hope to study. the spirit that i should keep is flew away. But somehow I'll find the courage to stand strong in this situation.
This is the reason why I didn't call my mother. I've been crying for the whole week even I realise that's not helping. And I don't want to do it in front of my mother. I just pray that nothing's bigger problem would come to our final exam result. Semoga hati saya redha nak belajar. Semoga semua perkara ini tak menjatuhkan semangat saya untuk berjaya semester ini. Sudah banyak kekecewaan yang saya hadapi. kalau saya nak putus asa dari dulu lagi saya dah buat cuma bukan sekarang. Saya percaya setiap usaha yang saya laburkan akan mendapat habuan yang baik. cuma cepat atau lambat saja. saya kena perbanyak doa, dekatkan diri dengan Allah. Dugaan ini besar buat saya. tapi saya percaya ada selagi saya ada Allah, saya takkan gagal dalam kehidupan. saya masih ada tempat bersandar. mungkin ini disebabkan dosa-dosa lampau saya. InsyaAllah saya baiki diri. Jika ini hukuman saya, saya terima. tetapi jangan menghukum ibu bapa saya. Mudah-mudahan.
tough path. Sabarlah, maybe ada hikmah. Pernah juga jadi kat saya dulu, mujurlah ketua program kami ada hati, sanggup berdepan mesyuarat fakulti rombak balik jadual.
Be tough :)
alhamdulilah somebody's know the feeling. thank you, sister. i will.
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